virtuosoDrummer™ - Online Studies for the Serious Drummer

Percussive Arts Society International Drum Rudiments interpreted for the Drumset and Played with All 4 Limbs.

The PAS International Drum Rudiments are a set of 40 rhythmic motifs written for snare drummers. The patterns are thought to embody the "basics" of phrasing and sticking. These represent a vocabulary with which the drummer can communicate complete musical compositions.

There are numerous representations of the 40 rudiments available for study on the internet. Of particular mention are the studies offered by the Vic Firth Company:
The Virtuoso Drummer International Rudiments are applied to the drumset - with all 4 Limbs employed simultaneously.
We encourage every drummer to be familiar with the 40 Percussive Arts Society International Drum Rudiments as they relate to snare drumming. However, the snare drum is only one of many instruments comprising the drum kit. Also, one drum only demands the use of 2 limbs to play. The drumming studies offered here interpret the 40 rudiments with all 4 limbs. The excersizes incorporate 4 separate drum set voices in each and as such, encourage exploration "around the kit".
These Rudiments will develop Horizontal, Vertical and X-Body Coordinations.
Horizontal coordination is established from left across to right, and vice versa. Vertical coordination is cultivated from top to bottom and vice versa. Cross-body (X-body) is the establishment of facility from top left to bottom right, top right to bottom left and of course the opposites of these as well. The study flow exercises are composed to cover all of this.
A. Single Stroke Rudiments
01. Single Stroke Roll
02. Single Stroke Four
03. Single Stroke Seven
B. Multiple Bounce Rudiments
04. Multiple Bounce Roll
05. Triple Stroke Roll
C. Double Stroke Rudiments
06. Double Stroke Open Roll (Long Roll)
07. Five Stroke Roll
08. Six Stroke Roll
09. Seven Stroke Roll
10. Nine Stroke Roll
11. Ten Stroke Roll
12. Eleven Stroke Roll
13. Thirteen Stroke Roll
14. Fifteen Stroke Roll
15. Seventeen Stroke Roll
16. Single Paradiddle
17. Double Paradiddle
18. Triple Paradiddle
19. Paradiddle-diddle
20. Flam
21. Flam Accent
22. Flam Tap
23. Flamacue
24. Flam Paradiddle
25. Single Flammed Mill
26. Flam Paradiddle-diddle
27. Pataflafla
28. Swiss Army Triplet
29. Inverted Flam Tap
30. Flam Drag
31. Drag (or Ruff)
32. Single Drag Tap
33. Double Drag Tap
34. "Lesson 25"
35. Single Dragadiddle
36. Drag Paradiddle #1
37. Drag Paradiddle #2
38. Single Ratamacue
39. Double Ratamacue
40. Triple Ratamacue




"The defining element of virtuosity is the performance ability of the musician in question, who is capable of displaying feats of skill well above the average performer."

Virtuoso Drummer™ is an online publication of Fresh Coast™ Music

Online Studies for the Serious Musician

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Fresh Coast™ Music